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What is the salary for GENERAL BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY in Beale AFB?

Looking for a job as GENERAL BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY in Beale AFB? Check out the salary statistics from real employers. Understand how much GENERAL BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY actually earns and find a company in your region

According to statistics, General business and industry in the year 2024 earns per year from 41 514 USD to 62 175 USD

A person working as General business and industry typically earns around 27 USD in Beale AFB in 2024. This is the average salary including housing, transport, and other benefits

This is -100% less than the average salary in the United States

$21 - 25 per hour

About the position: This position will be assigned to the 9 FSS, Marketing, Beale AFB, CA. This position is regular full time, guaranteed 35 hours per week and receives benefits. Must be able to li...

City: Beale AFB
Community Center Manager Nov 02 2023
$23 - 27 per hour

About the position: This position will be assigned to the Community Activity Center, Beale AFB, CA. This position is regular full time, guaranteed 35 hours per week and receives benefits....

City: Beale AFB
Computer Assisted Ordering Technician Aug 01 2023
$41 514 - 53 973 per year

You are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of your application package. We encourage you to read the entire announcement before starting the application process. Qualifications and requirem...

Food and Beverage Manager Nov 02 2023
$21 - 25 per hour

About the position: This position will be assigned to the Moo's & Brew's, Beale AFB, CA.. This position is Regular Full Time, guaranteed 35 hours per week and receives benefits....

City: Beale AFB
$52 175 - 62 175 per year

About the position: This position will be assigned to Beale AFB, CA. This is a Regular Full Time (RFT) position with benefits (medical, dental, life insurance, retirement, 401(k), and annual/sick le...

City: Beale AFB
Recreational Assistant (RV Lot) Sep 17 2024
$19 - 20 per hour

About the position: This position will be assigned to the RV Lot, Beale AFB, CA. This position is flexible, not guaranteed hours and does not receive benefits. Can work 0-40 hours per week. Must b...

City: Beale AFB
Store Associate Jul 31 2023
$18 - 23 per hour

Store Associates work either independently or as part of a team in any assigned retail area of a commissary store within the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) system, performing a variety of duties inc...